Library services

Our libraries offer a wide a range of services that you'll find handy and fun.

People talking at a Book Club gathering

Book Club Sets

If you belong to a Book Club, or would like to start one, ask us about our selection of available Book Club Sets. These sets contain everything your group needs for a great discussion in one convenient bag. Most sets include an additional large print and audio book option (where available).

Click the links to view the Borrowing Rules and Conditions and Book Club Registration Form, and return the completed forms to your nearest branch of City of Swan Libraries to get your book club journey started.

Information about membership fees can be viewed in our Library fees and charges section

View the titles available as Book Club Sets

A Better Beginnings Discovery backpack showing all that's included inside

Discovery backpacks

Better Beginnings Discovery Backpacks are available for loan. 

The backpack is linked to learning areas in the Curriculum Framework and include books, puppets, self-paced activities, an audiobook and literacy games. There are also some great reading tips and online activities for you and your child to complete together.

A selection of what's available in the Library of Things including a cricket bat, tennis racquet, and secateurs

Library of Things

Sometimes you just want something for a one-off use, or you want to try out an item before committing to a purchase. In this instance, the Library of Things is the collection for you!

We have 40 items you can borrow, including a sewing machine, board games, a popcorn maker, a lawn and garden spreader, a geocaching GPS kit and various cake pans. 

Objects made by a 3d printer

3D printing service

3D printing is available at all library branches. The cost is $10 for the first hour of printing and $3 per hour after that.

Explore these online resources for inspiration on what to create, and how! Please note, 3D printing takes time and may need to be picked up later.

Organise a training session by contacting the team at one of our local libraries.

Seeds ready for planting

Swan Seed Library at Guildford Library

The Swan Seed Library is currently situated at Guildford Library.

The Swan Seed Library contains a collection of free seeds that you can use to plant, grow and enjoy at home.

The library is for gardeners, from beginner to expert, and is a place where you can learn how to grow, harvest and save seeds.

The seed collection depends on donations and seasonality. Please contact Guildford Library to check on seed availability.

(08) 9207 8880

Printing and computers

Our libraries offer access to a range of self-service facilities including:

  • Printing
  • Photocopying
  • Scanning
  • Laminating (available at most branches)

Contact your local library to find out the availability and cost for each service.

Mobile printing is currently unavailable. Other printing is still available in our libraries.

All our libraries have computers available for library members. 
You will need your library card to access these facilities.

Free Wi-Fi is available at all libraries, except Gidgegannup Drop Point Library.

Bring your device and connect to ‘Wired2Swan’.

Inside the Midland Courtyard Studio showing a guitar, a keyboard, and other musical recording instruments

Midland Courtyard Studio

The Midland Courtyard Studio hosts the Midland Library’s Artists in Residence and creative workshops. Equipped with high-end recording equipment the space can be used for projects including recording: podcasts, music and voiceover.

Fees, payments, and guidelines

Library members who live in the City of Swan and are physically unable to access a library, can have items delivered to them.
Contact your nearest library to see if you're eligible for this service. 

PS: Our Home Library Service relies on volunteers. If you're able to help contact us, we’d love to hear from you.

Our click and collect service is a simple way to pick-up library items.

Find out more and complete a reservation online.

Payments for rates, infringements, animal registrations and renewals, extra bulk verge collections and invoices from Swan Caring can be made at our libraries.
Payments can be made using EFTPOS and credit card. Cash, cheque and Diners Club are not accepted.
Payments can also be made online. Our friendly library staff are available to help you with online payments.

Printing and copying
A4 Black and white (single sided) 20c
A3 Black and white (single sided) 40c
A4 Colour (single sided) $1
A3 Colour (single sided) $2
3d printing
Per hour $10
Every subsequent hour $3
A4 $2
A3 $4
Public library services
USB drive (16GB only) $10
Membership replacement cards $3
Library program
Book Club annual subscription (includes hire of book club sets) $134
City of Swan internal Book Club program (per month) $5


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