The way we manage developments is critical in protecting this area’s rich heritage, which dates back hundreds of years.

Book an appointment
If you live in Guildford/Mandoon or Woodbridge and plan to demolish your existing residence, make additions to it, or build a new house, you must make an appointment to see our Senior Planning staff before you proceed.
Discussing your proposal with staff is a key step in ensuring our rich heritage remains protected.
Check out the information below for specific details about how a property’s heritage status impacts the development application process.
Development Approval is required before any works can occur in Guildford/Mandoon because it is a State Heritage Listed Place and Local Heritage Area. This ensures the conservation of the area’s heritage significance and where development does occur, it occurs in a manner that is appropriate to the significance, character and appearance of the area.
Not every building will be significant, and the removal or alteration of non-significant fabric or the development of these sites is not usually a major concern. The Guildford/Mandoon Heritage Area Local Planning Policy parts A and B can be viewed below.
If your property is located in the Woodbridge Heritage Area, development approval will most likely be required for any alterations, additions or new development.
A development application should consider the City's Woodbridge Conservation Precinct Local Planning Policy as it is one of the City's main assessment tools (along with the R-Codes) for development in Woodbridge.
The primary objective is to ensure any new development conserves elements that contribute to the area’s significance. Not every building will be significant, and the removal or alteration of non-significant fabric or the development of these sites is not usually a major concern. The objective is to ensure that where development does occur, it occurs in a manner which is appropriate to the significance, character and appearance of the area.
The Heritage List is a list of places compiled under the City’s Local Planning Scheme No. 17 which are given certain protection under the Scheme.
The Heritage List is derived from those places in the Local Government Inventory with the highest levels of heritage significance. It does not include all places in the Inventory.
Development approval is required for demolition, alterations or other development, in order for an assessment to be made upon the impact of the proposal upon the heritage value of the place.
The City may apply incentives for the conservation of places and buildings on the Heritage List by varying normal development requirements where this will assist the conservation of the place or building.
The Heritage List comprises the following management categories:
Places of Exceptional Significance
High level of planning oversight required to ensure no adverse impacts on significance.
- All works require approval
- A Heritage Impact Statement will be required if proposed works are not according to a Conservation Plan.
The majority of the places considered to be of Exceptional Significance are already entered in the State Register of Heritage Places, and subject to advice from the State Heritage Office.
Places of Considerable Significance
Some changes will be allowed without approval. For example:
- All interior works, unless approval for these works is required under Local Planning Policy
- Maintenance and repair.
A Heritage Impact Statement will only be required for major works or substantial redevelopment.
The Local Heritage Survey (LHS), previously known as the Municipal Inventory of Heritage Places, is a collection of places and areas within the City that have cultural and heritage significance. The LHS helps local governments make decisions that reflect local heritage values, and supports the creation of a heritage list or heritage areas, which identify places to be protected under the local planning scheme.
The City is currently reviewing its LHS.
For further information about restoring your property, please go to the Heritage Council of WA.