'One City, diverse people, cultures and places'
A sustainable, thriving City of diverse people and places enjoying a great quality of life, health and wellbeing.
We will work cooperatively with our City colleagues, community and stakeholders. We will respect the individual, with an understanding of our diverse roles, while working and living in one City.
We commit to providing excellent customer services with a 'can do' approach. It is our 'can do' attitude that is built into our actions and behaviour and allows us to be responsive to our changing environment.
We will take responsibility for our actions and behaviour. We will be ethical and act with integrity. Our professional behaviour will be reflected in our open and transparent decision making. We will provide good governance that addresses legislative and organisational compliance.
We will lead by example, with a professional pride in our City. We will set direction, provide guidance and help people to be the best they can be.

Stephen Cain
Chief Executive Officer
- Governance

Mark Bishop
Executive Director, Community Wellbeing
- Community Safety
- Community and Libraries
- Community Care Services
- Leisure Services.

Jim Coten
Executive Director, Operations
- Asset Management
- Construction and Maintenance
- Fleet and Waste Services
- Project Management.

Sarah McQuade
Executive Director, Place Stakeholder Engagement
- Customer Experience
- Communications and Engagement
- Organisational Planning and Development
- Business and Tourism Services.

David Trevaskis
Executive Director, Corporate
- Financial Services and Rates
- Human Resources
- Information Services.

Leon Van der Linde
Executive Director, Planning and Development
- Health and Building Services
- Statutory Planning
- Strategic Planning.