Cleanup started for Swan residents battered by freak storm

Published on: Friday, February 21, 2025
On Wednesday, February 19, 2025 an unexpected severe storm impacted residents in parts of Perth Hills, affecting power supply and uprooting trees and plants. 

Fallen trees have blocked roads and power outages have interrupted the telecommunications network for City of Swan residents in Gidgegannup and Brigadoon.

City staff, in partnership with SES and DFES, responded promptly to the situation and are working hard to clean up, prioritising debris based on its impact to access.

Roads have been cleared first and debris on road verges and bridle trails are next on the list with City staff and contractors working as quickly as possible to minimise disruptions to the community.

Residents in the affected area who are cleaning up their properties can use their annual green waste tip pass that allows unlimited access to dump green waste at Red Hill Waste Management Facility

Disaster Relief Australia (DRA) is supporting residents to clean up their properties if they can’t do it themselves. 

While DRA can help cut and pile up debris, it is the resident's responsibility to remove the debris from their property.

The City has compiled a toolkit of resources to help with recovery efforts and appointed a Local Recovery Coordinator to manage the incident. They can be contacted on (08) 9267 9022 or

The Western Australian Disaster Response Hotline is 1800 032 965. You can call this number to speak with someone about support available after a disaster or emergency. 

Residents can contact the City’s Customer Experience team on (08) 9267 9267 or for more information. 
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