Thinking Green: Old trees, young trees

Event description

Please note that this program is suitable for children 5-9 years of age. Adult Supervision is required. 

We all know what a tree is but what makes them unique and special? Learn how to tell one tree from another, and why size, age and nationality matters when we are talking about trees. Investigate the benefits of trees in our urban areas as we go outdoors to explore around the library. Examine the different types of trees to discover their secrets.

Take home a native plant to plant in your yard.

Please note that this workshop involves heading outside so please bring a hat and drink bottle.

This workshop is part of the WA Tree Festival. 

Location details

Ellenbrook Community Library, 90 Main St, Ellenbrook WA 6069, Australia

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Date and time
Tuesday, April 15 | 10am - 11.30am
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