Supply & delivery of goods for resale at leisure centre cafes

Tender name Supply & delivery of goods for resale at leisure centre cafes
Tender number RFT23TN02-SOR
Advertisement proof RFT23TN02-SOR-Advert-proof-7-1-23.pdf
Advertisement date January 7, 2023
Closing date January 25, 2023, 2:00 PM
Status Awarded
Submissions received

Mowana (WA) Pty Ltd AFT Ingwelala Trust T/A Westoz Food Distributors

Opened in the presence of

Caitlin Lewis, Contracts and Procurement Officer, and Kevin Law, Contracts and Procurement Officer

Bid items Schedule of rates
Authorised by The City
Authorisation date February 21, 2023
Recommendation or minutes of OCM/TRC RFT23TN02-SOR-Recommendation.pdf

Awarded: Mowana (WA) Pty Ltd AFT Ingwelala Trust T/A Westoz Food Distributors

Price consideration (ex GST) Anticipated contract value $338,084.29
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