Accessible and inclusive businesses

Here at the City of Swan, we aim to improve accessibility throughout our business community. To do so, we support businesses to meet the community expectation that all people, irrespective of their age or ability, should have equal access to goods and services.

Why invest in improved accessibility?

  • Disposable income in Australia’s disability sector is about $40 billion annually
  • Thirty-three per cent of WA’s population either live with disability, or care for someone who does
  • Fifty per cent of people aged over 65 live with a disability
  • More than 40 per cent of the Baby Boomer generation will retire with disability and want to maintain their lifestyle
  • Accessible tourism makes up 11 per cent of the tourism market
  • Accessible businesses attract customers with access needs and their family and friends
  • Barriers to services such as poor physical access or low disability-awareness of staff have a negative impact on people living with disability and businesses.
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