Supply, installation & maintenance of GPS for COS vehicles

Tender name Supply, installation & maintenance of GPS for COS vehicles
Tender number RFT20KR22-SOR
Advertisement proof RFT20KR22-SOR-Advert-Proof-27-06-2020.pdf
Advertisement date June 27, 2020
Closing date July 15, 2020, 12:00 AM
Status Awarded
Submissions received


My Fleet and Operations Pty Ltd

Navman Wireless Australia Pty Ltd TA Teletrac Navman

Pinpoint Communications Pty Ltd 

Pioneer Computers 

Telstra Corporation Limited 

The Calapai Family Trust TA Intellitrac

Opened in the presence of

Jack Roser, Contracts and Procurement Officer and Craig Challis, Procurement Planning Specialist

Bid items Schedule of Rates
Authorised by City
Authorisation date October 13, 2020
Recommendation or minutes of OCM/TRC RFT20KR22-SOR-Recommendation.pdf

Awarded: My Fleet and Operations Pty Ltd

Price consideration (ex GST) The anticipated Contract Value is $640,180.00
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