Provision of HVAC maintenance, repairs and testing, and capital works

Tender name Provision of HVAC maintenance, repairs and testing, and capital works
Tender number RFT21VM27-SOR
Advertisement proof RFT21VM27-SOR-Advert-Proof-24-04-2021.pdf
Advertisement date April 24, 2021
Closing date May 19, 2021, 12:00 AM
Status Awarded
Submissions received

AMEK Engineering Pty Ltd

AMS Installation and Maintenance Solutions Pty Ltd

Australian HVAC Services Pty Ltd ATFT Skenpost Trust

D&E Airconditioning Pty Ltd

ENGIE Mechanical Services Australia Pty Ltd

Hirotec Maintenance Pty Ltd

Precise Air Group Pty Ltd

Opened in the presence of

Revender Sarai, Contracts and Procurement Officer, and Siobhan Kinsella, Contracts and Procurement Officer

Bid items Schedule of Rates
Authorised by Tender Review Committee
Authorisation date July 7, 2021
Recommendation or minutes of OCM/TRC Public-Minutes-TRC-070721.pdf

Awarded: Australian HVAC Services Pty Ltd ATFT Skenpost Trust

Price consideration (ex GST) Anticipated Contract value of $1,410,045.00
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