Provision of Electrical and Data Services for the City of Swan

Tender name Provision of Electrical and Data Services for the City of Swan
Tender number RFT19HK10-SOR
Advertisement proof RFT19HK10-SOR-Advert-Proof-18-05-2019.pdf
Advertisement date May 18, 2019
Closing date June 12, 2019, 12:00 AM
Status Awarded
Submissions received

AE Hoskins & Sons

AWB Building Co.

Datatel Electrical & Communications 

Electritech Industries


Fredon (WA) Electrical Pty Ltd

Heru Holding Pty Ltd T/A Mechanical and Electrical Services

Jabez Electrical

Lightspeed Communications Pty Ltd 

Nido Electrical

Northlake Electrical Pty Ltd

RNM Solutions Pty Ltd 

Surun Services Pty Ltd

Opened in the presence of

Tom Carmichael, Contracts and Procurement Officer, and Craig Challis, Procurement Planning Specialist

Bid items Schedule of Rates
Authorised by Tender Review Committe
Authorisation date July 24, 2019
Recommendation or minutes of OCM/TRC 20190724-24-July-2019.pdf

Awarded: Nido Electrical

Price consideration (ex GST) The anticipated Contract Value is $441,723.30
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