Inclusive employment has big business benefits.
- Open up to new talent. 1 in 5 Australians live with disability - you could be accessing a huge talent pool.
- Add value to your team by hiring a person who wants to share their abilities with others. Research shows that employing people with disability results in better organisational performance. People with disability, in the right job, are just as productive and can be more loyal than other employees.
- Increase Productivity. Employing people with disability can increase morale and productivity, which can reduce staff absentees and turnover. Employees with disability typically take fewer sick days and are six times less likely to be involved in an Occupational Health and Safety incident.
- Your community is your customer. 20% of our community live with a disability. Building a team of staff that reflects the diversity of our community is likely to lead to greater customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Job Access has an Employer Toolkit for all matters relating to disability employment.
Financial support for employers
The Australian Government provides funding through the Employment Assistance Fund (EAF) to pay for workplace adjustments, such as modifications and equipment. Examples of how the funding can be used includes:
- adjustments to the workplace
- modifications to work vehicles
- equipment for the workplace such as assistive technology and information and communication devices
- Auslan interpreting services
- Specialised services and supports for employees with learning and mental health conditions.
For more information visit the JobAccess website.
I am ready to contact a Disability Employment Service
There are a number of Disability Employment Services that will assist businesses to find the right employees. These services offer comprehensive support throughout the recruitment process that includes job-matching, training, ongoing support, and connecting to financial incentives, all at no cost to the employer. Local Disability Employment Services include:
- BIZLINK, Midland
- Status Employment, Midland
- atWork, Midland & Ellenbrook
- MAX Employment, Ellenbrook
Disability Jobs Connect
The Disability Jobs Connect program helps people with disability overcome employment challenges by connecting with potential employers who recognise the unique skills and attributes they possess.
Employers can view candidate profiles and connect with those best aligned to their business and available role.
Employer resources
- The economic and business benefits of employing people with disability
- Guidelines for the targeted recruitment of people with disability
- Creating an accessible and inclusive workplace
- Good Access is Good Business, Keynote address for City of Sydney Business Breakfast
- Improving employment outcomes for people with disability