The City has developed its Access and Inclusion Plan 2023-27 to provide seniors with universal access and to better support community members and community groups who, for whatever reason, may be isolated, marginalised, excluded or vulnerable.
We work to enhance the quality of life for everyone in our community. To achieve this, we coordinate programs that improve social inclusion, and work with community groups and individuals to support local initiatives.
The Cities Access and Inclusion Plan 2023-27 is guided by and supports the State’s Disability Strategy ‘A Western Australia for Everyone: State Disability Strategy 2020-2030’. The strategy sets the foundation for building a more inclusive Western Australia, empowering people with disability to participate meaningfully in all parts of society and to have the resources to do so.
Supports and services for seniors
Discover the array of services we offer, each designed to cater for individual needs. Whether it’s a need for transport from A to B, socialising at clubs and outings or some extra support at home, we have a range of services to help meet your needs.
Our community care services help frail aged and people with disability to maintain quality of life and independence, and prevent premature entry into residential care.
Community Care supports clients to build their capacity at home and in the community. They manage client assessments, information and advocacy, day centres (including dementia specific), home-based respite, carer support, personal care, social support, shopping assistance, domestic assistance, home maintenance and community transport.
There is a small fee involved with each service.
Call us on (08) 9267 9055 or contact us to find out your eligibility.
If you have a temporary or permanent disability, you can apply for an ACROD parking permit.
To be eligible for a permit, you must:
- Have a severe mobility impairment, where walking more than 50 metres causes the physical condition to deteriorate and/or
- Require a mobility/medical aid (e.g. wheelchair, crutches, walking frame or oxygen), which necessitates a wide bay for ease in an out of a vehicle.
For further information on ACROD Parking and how to apply for a permit visit ACROD.
To view the locations of all public toilets, visit
Carers play a vital role in our community. Their commitment and dedication help thousands of people to maintain a level of independence and normalcy in their lives. As such, we support carers several ways.
- We comply with the Carers Recognition Act
- We host morning teas on the first Tuesday each month at our Beechboro Club and share information to support carers in their caring role.
- Access to a free library of resources focusing on learning more about dementia and how to support people living with dementia.
Other agencies who can help are:
Swan Age Friendly Communities
The City is working towards improved age-friendly communities through its Access and Inclusion Plan 2023-27 (AIP). This provides seniors with improved access, information, opportunities for connection and better support and services.
Swan Age Friendly Communities and the AIP align with the World Health Organisation (WHO) Age Friendly Communities 8 interconnected domains for liveability for seniors.
Swan Age Friendly Communities is also guided by and supports An Age-Friendly WA: State Seniors Strategy 2023-2033. Seniors residing in the City of Swan, senior members accessing Swan Community Care and Swan Dementia Alliance members participated in consultations to inform the State Seniors Strategy.
This plan improves accessibility that will benefit seniors by providing equal access to services, systems, buildings and other places through 12 outcome areas.
The City’s Local Area Plans aim to improve access for all of the community, including seniors, with a focus on Natural Environment and Build environment.
Carers Gateway has information on accessible homes to help you stay safe at home longer and who to contact for assistance.
The City supports seniors through a range of community-based programs including:
- Community development support seniors clubs and multicultural groups across the City. For information about seniors clubs, contact us on 9267 9267 or
- Swan Libraries
- Swan Active Leisure Service
- Support Seniors Week throughout Swan with a range of activities.
- The City acknowledges the wealth of contributions that seniors make and continue to in the City of Swan, with all the richness of their experiences and diversity they bring.
- Seniors contributions are welcomed and celebrated – through acknowledging and working alongside local Elders; supporting seniors clubs; Senior of the year recognition award, thank you day for volunteers; supporting ANZAC remembrance ceremonies and community and sporting events organised by seniors, including through the Community Grants and Sponsorship.
- The City acknowledges seniors with the provision of a range of seniors-specific services and discounts including supporting seniors with community aged care services through Community Care and supporting the Swan Dementia Alliance. The City offers Rates and Swan Active discounts. The City’s Leisure Services offers the Be Active program and an annual variety show. The City’s libraries offer a range of free talks, home book delivery service for seniors unable to visit the library, as well as craft and games groups.
- The City values seniors feedback through its community engagement through the Local Area Plans, development of the City’s Community Strategic Plan and social plans including the RAP and Access and Inclusion/Age-friendly plans.
- Supports seniors volunteering through the Volunteer Resource Centre and range of volunteering opportunities.
- Supports seniors clubs based in the City, associations and groups and sporting clubs though Community Development, Club Development and as recipients of the City’s Community Grants and Sponsorship program.
- Employs seniors in roles across the City - currently 3.8% of active employees are 65 years and over.
- Supports local seniors as business owners and through the City’s Age Friendly and Accessible Business Project.
- The City provides information about activities and services in a range of forms including hard copy for our Community Care.
- Libraries have books, magazines and newspapers as well and information about community and seniors’ services information.
- The City produces quarterly hard copies of the City’s Scoop magazine and Volunteer Resource Centre newsletter. These are available through the City libraries.
- The City has produced a Swan Seniors Information and Services brochure with helpful information and contact details for key senior services delivered by the City of Swan and relevant service providers. The Seniors Brochure is available in the City’s libraries, or to request a digital copy contact
Support to Swan Seniors living with dementia and their Carers through Swan Community Care and the Swan Dementia Alliance.
Contact us on 9267 9055 or

Be active together
Our Swan Active fitness centres have a range of programs and events specifically designed for seniors to keep you active, with company!