You must exercise extreme vigilance if you are conducting a burn during the Restricted Period.
Ensure you regularly check your burn up to 48 hours after completion to prevent re-ignition and escaped burns.
During the Restricted Burning Period, you may be able to burn 1m2 of garden refuse provided you meet all of the requirements listed below:
- The Fire Danger Rating is not High or above
- A Total Fire Ban has not been declared
- Your property is larger than 2000m2
- The pile is only lit between 6pm and 11pm
- It is fully extinguished by midnight
- The pile is less than 1 cubic metre
- Only one pile alight at any time
- A 5 metre wide area clear of flammable material completely surrounds the pile
- The material you burn is only dry vegetative matter
- A person capable of and appropriately equipped to control the fire is in attendance at all times
- You notify your neighbours of your intention to burn
- You register your burn with the DFES Communication Centre on 9395 9209
- The smoke does not cause nuisance to neighbours or present a hazard to road users.