Annual Electors Meeting

Please note that the deadline to submit motions and questions for the 2025 Annual Electors Meeting has now passed. Motions and questions may be raised in person on the evening if time permits.

In accordance with Section 5.27 of the Local Government Act 1995, electors of the City of Swan are invited to attend the City of Swan’s Annual Electors’ Meeting on Monday, February 3, 2025 starting at 6pm and concluding at the latest 9pm.

The meeting will be held at the Midland Town Hall Auditorium, 312 Great Eastern Hwy, Midland WA 6056.

The purpose of the meeting is:

Please note that this meeting will be video recorded and live streamed. The recording will be made available after the meeting.

Please review the annual electors meeting Information prior to attending the meeting. 

You are required to register your attendance at the meeting online or at the door on the evening.

For any operational matters, such as maintenance requests, illegal dumping, or parking issues, please contact Customer Experience at The team will respond to your enquiry promptly.

Register your attendance


  • Motions from the floor will only be accepted at the presiding person’s discretion, time permitting
  • Motions will be presented to the meeting in the order the City has received them
  • Motions from electors will be read aloud by the presiding person and displayed on the public screen, to ensure everyone is clear about what they are voting on
  • The presiding person will request a mover and a seconder for a motion
  • A speaker will have a maximum of three minutes to make a statement on their motion
  • To ensure efficient and equitable time for all electors submitted motions, an abbreviated debating protocol will be used
  • The mover will be invited to read their motion
  • The presiding person will then call for a seconder for the motion, and any speakers against the motion
  • There being no speakers against the motion, the presiding person will put the motion to the vote
  • No motion is open to debate until it has been seconded
  • If there are speakers against the motion, the following debating protocol will apply
  • The mover of a motion will be invited to speak first, and the speaker against the motion will be invited to speak next
  • The presiding person will then call for other verified electors who wish to speak with a maximum of three speakers for and three speakers against the motion
  • Each speaker will be given a maximum of three minutes each
  • The mover of a motion has the right of reply, and this closes the debate
  • All other speakers may speak once on a motion
  • The right of reply is limited to a maximum of three minutes.

Only verified electors may address an electors’ meeting.

When speaking at the meeting, a speaker must:
  • Rise and move to where the microphone is presented by staff, unless unable to do so by
  • reason of sickness or disability
  • Use the microphone provided
  • State his or her name and suburb for recording in the minutes
  • Address the meeting through the presiding person
  • Limit statements to fact, not opinion or suppositions
  • Not reflect adversely on Council Members or City employees; and
  • Refrain from making repetitive comment on matters that have already been discussed, to ensure the meeting can progress effectively.

You are required to register your attendance at the meeting online or at the door on the evening.
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