Gnangara Road Duplication

The construction of the second carriageway for Gnangara Road between Henley Brook Avenue and Pinaster Parade. This is a multi-stage project that will be delivered over multiple financial years.

Project status

  • Service relocations are progressing at the site and construction is expected to start in January 2025.

Project timeline

Community consultation

Completed in January 2023

Planning and design

Started in 2023/24 and currently ongoing.

Service relocations finish

December 2024.

Construction starts

Scheduled for January 2025.

Construction finishes

Scheduled for March 2026.


Due to an increase in urban development in the urban growth corridor, duplication is needed to support the increase in traffic. This duplication will link to previously duplicated segments to the east and west.

For several reasons, the Gnangara Road duplication is a major project staged over three financial years. Factors such as grant funding, service relocations and construction resources mean it is not feasible for the City to complete the project in one financial year.

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