Bushfire prevention and preparedness

Are you doing your bit to prevent and prepare for fire?

View the Annual Fire Season Guide.

Fire Safety Bans

Total Fire Bans or Harvest and Vehicle Movement Bans are declared on days when the likelihood of certain activities starting a fire is significant, control of a fire is likely to be difficult, or firefighting resources are already stretched. Both bans are often in effect at the same time, but this is not always the case.

When a ban is in effect it is illegal to carry out activities prohibited under that ban. The responsibility remains on the individual to find out if a ban is in effect prior to carrying out these activities. Significant penalties apply should you ignore or commit and offence in relation to a fire ban.

Fire information line

Fire information line

Call the City's Fire Information Line on (08) 9267 9326 to listen to a recorded message information seasonal restrictions and fire safety bans.

Call now for more information

Bush Fire Advisory Committee (BFAC)

The City of Swan Bush Fire Advisory Committee (BFAC) brings local Volunteer Bush Fire Brigades, various government, and non-government organisations together to plan and manage the risk of fire, such as, fire prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery.

The committee includes representatives from the City of Swan, Department of Fire and Emergency Services (DFES), Department of Parks and Wildlife (DPaW), Whiteman Park and volunteer bushfire brigade services.

Meetings are held each quarter at the Midland Town Hall and start at 6pm.  

Members of the public are welcome to attend.

The closest carpark can be found here (please follow parking signage) with the entrance to the building found on Great Eastern Highway. There will be instructions on the door to call when you arrive so you can gain access. You will be greeted and taken through to the Chambers. Please arrive 15 minutes prior to the 6pm meeting start time.

Upcoming meeting dates as follows:

  • Thursday, September 12, 2024
  • Thursday, December 6, 2024
  • Thursday, March 13, 2025
  • Thursday, June 12, 2025
  • Thursday, September 11, 2025
  • Thursday, December 4, 2025

If you'd like to attend a meeting, it is preferrable to rsvp to the Community Safety Support team via commsafetysupport@swan.wa.gov.au or phone 9267 9022.

If you would like a copy of the meeting agenda, or if you have any questions you wish to ask at the meeting, it is preferred these are submitted one week prior to the above listed email.

Meetings are held at the Midland Town Hall and access door is via Great Eastern Highway, Midland. 

The Committee consists of the following representatives/officers:

  • Council Representative/s
  • Deputy Delegate Councillor/s
  • Chief Executive Officer (or delegate)
  • Manager Community Safety
  • Coordinator Fire and Emergency Management
  • Chief Bush Fire Control Officer
  • Volunteer Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officers
  • Volunteer Brigade Captains (or delegates)
  • Volunteer Local Government Fire Training Coordinator
  • Department of Fire and Emergency Services
  • Department of Parks and Wildlife.

Firebreaks and hazard reduction

Firebreak installation and hazard reduction is a legal requirement that is outlined within the City of Swan Fire Hazard Reduction Notice.

Property owners are therefore required to ensure that their properties comply with all requirements within the Annual Firebreak notice from November 1 with standards maintained until April 30 the following year. Property owners that do not comply with the City of Swan firebreak requirements may be infringed, or hazard reduction work may be carried out by the City of Swan at the property owner’s expense.

Alternative firebreaks

If it is impractical for you to install firebreaks along all or parts of your internal boundaries, you may request permission to install a firebreak in an alternative location or of a different nature. Your request must be received by October 1 to be considered.

Please complete the alternative firebreak application form and submit it to swan@swan.wa.gov.au.

Fire hazard advisory service

The City of Swan has a dedicated Fire Hazard Inspection Officer who can come to your property and help you develop a plan to manage the risk on your land. This officer can assist you with:

  • Managing the fuel load around your home (Asset Protection Zone)
  • Developing a staged plan for fuel management on your property including safe hazard reduction burning and mechanical vegetation management
  • Understanding firebreak requirements and placement, prior to formal inspections
  • Understanding important information that assists in developing your household’s bushfire plan.

Please note, this service is reserved for rural properties in fire-prone areas. For more information, please contact (08) 9267 9022.

Organise a fire hazard inspection appointment.

Your local brigades

MetroPermits are issued by the Community Safety team
9267 9267

Saturday 8.30–10am

Fire station located on Toodyay Road, Gidgegannup

9574 6000

Saturday 8.30–10am

Fire Station located on Toodyay Road & O’Brien Road, Gidgegannup

9574 6536

Sunday 9–11am

Fire station located on Cathedral Avenue, Brigadoon

9296 1288

Sunday 9–11am

Fire Station located on Chittering Road, Bullsbrook

9571 2099

Bush Fire Control Officers

Under the Bush Fires Act 1954, Part VI Division 1 Section 38, the following people have been appointed as City of Swan Bush Fire Control Officers:

Deputy Chief Bush Fire Control Officers

  1. Sean Corbin (East Gidgegannup VBFB)
  2. John Mangini (West Gidgegannup VBFB)
  3. Rudolf James (West Swan VBFB)
  4. Michael Teraci (West Swan VBFB)
  5. Troy Miller (West Swan VBFB)

Bush Fire Control Officers

  1. Marri Uusimaki (City of Swan)
  2. Bradley McCarthy (City of Swan)
  3. Jeremy Davies (City of Swan)
  4. Rick Edwards (City of Swan)
  5. Taleisha Geerlings (City of Swan)
  6. Josh Tucker (City of Swan)
  7. Trevor Hill (City of Swan)
  8. Aaron Bradshaw (City of Swan)
  9. Courtney Colquhoun (City of Swan)
  10. Ben Shields (City of Swan)
  11. Angie Costakis (City of Swan)
  12. Marianne Lucas-Martin (City of Swan)
  13. Manjot Kaur (City of Swan)
  14. Anoop Dhananjayan (City of Swan)
  15. Daniel Nieman (City of Swan)
  16. Leanne Kalvoda (City of Swan)
  17. Natasha Chappell (City of Swan)
  18. Mark Adams (City of Swan)
  19. Danielle Bowling (City of Swan)
  20. Magnus Ohman (City of Swan)
  21. Debbie Screen (City of Swan)
  22. Richard Daniel (City of Swan)
  23. Evyn Johnson (City of Swan)
  24. Brian Davis (Bullsbrook VFES)
  25. Russell Bom (Bullsbrook VFES)
  26. Adrian Goh (Bullsbrook VFES)
  27. Greggory Lang (Bullsbrook VFES)
  28. Shane Attwood (East Gidgegannup VBFB)
  29. Alisdair McCrudden (East Gidgegannup VBFB)
  30. Callum McCrudden (East Gidgegannup VBFB)
  31. Michael Edwards (East Gidgegannup VBFB)
  32. *Marquita Henderson (East Gidgegannup VBFB)
  33. *Kelvin Woodhouse (East Gidgegannup VBFB)
  34. *Bradley Payne (East Swan VBFB)
  35. Matthew Ogden (East Swan VBFB)
  36. Matthew Selkirk (East Swan VBFB)
  37. Justin Skewes (West Gidgegannup VBFB)
  38. *Anton Bekker (West Gidgegannup BFB)
  39. Mark Smith (West Gidgegannup VBFB)
  40. Stephen Donnison (West Gidgegannup VBFB)
  41. Jason Kingston (West Gidgegannup VBFB)
  42. Jeremy Rainer (West Swan VBFB)
  43. Luke Johnson (West Swan VBFB)

* denotes restricted role as FCO
( ) denotes brigade represented.
CANCELLATIONS: All other previous appointments.

By order of the Council
Mark Bishop, Acting Chief Executive Officer

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