Governance and Finance in the NFP sector with Wendy Lamotte
- 9.15am-12.30pm, Tuesday, April 8
- Stafford Court
Recruiting and retaining volunteers is an essential part of running a successful volunteer program.
Through the Swan Volunteer Resource Centre, we offer free online listing of your volunteer positions, referral of potential volunteers, training, information and resources relating to volunteering, and volunteer management advice.
If you are looking for volunteers, please contact us on (08) 9278 9690 or email
The first step is becoming a member. It’s very simple, just complete this membership application form, and provide us with your volunteer and public liability insurance details.
Then all you need to do is supply us with a description of the position you would like to us to promote. Simply complete this form and send it over to us.
We will get in contact shortly after receiving your submission.
Before recruiting a volunteer, check out our guide to recruiting and retaining volunteers.
Read our Achieving excellence brochure.
Turn your vision for a better community into a reality by reading our guide to Writing successful community grant applications.
More specific information is provided in our frequently asked questions.
We provide training to support you and your organisation in running an effective, efficient and valuable Volunteer Program through the following training and information sessions.
Step Into Volunteering sessions are of value to those who are looking to volunteer for the first time and those who already volunteer but are seeking different experiences.
In these sessions you will find out about:
Dates for the second half of the year to be advised. Contact our office on (08) 9278 9690 for more details.
Volunteering WA - Peak body for volunteering in WA
Volunteering Hub - Volunteering Australia Resource Hub
Volunteering Australia - National Peak Body for volunteering
National police certificates - National Police Certificates for volunteers, information and application portal
Volunteer National Police Certificates - How to become a registered NFP to obtain subsidised Volunteer National Police Clearances for your volunteers
Working with Children Check - Information relating to need and applications for Working with Children Checks
National Standards for Volunteer Involvement - Volunteering Australia
Volunteer Protection from Liability Act 2002
Guide to the Work Health and Safety Act 2016
Safe Work Australia - Work Health and Safety requirements for and on behalf of volunteers. How the Law applies to volunteers and how both individual volunteers and organisations can meet their duties and expectations.
COVID-19 Information for Workplaces
Justice Connect – Not for Profit Law is a national legal service offering free and affordable legal support for not-for-profit organisations and social enterprises
Justice Connect – How to protect the health safety and welfare of employees and volunteers.
AON – Insurance for Charities and Not-for-Profits
Government of Western Australia guide for Incorporated Associations in Western Australia
Frequently asked questions regarding volunteering
Volunteering Australia 2022 report on the state of volunteering in Australia, strategy, guide and perspectives.
Australian Government National Emergency Management Agency – Knowledge Hub, Communities responding to Disaster: Planning for Spontaneous Volunteers Handbook.
Volunteering Australia report on Volunteering and Settlement in Australian, a snapshot of new migrants and refugees in Australia
Social security guide to volunteering
Department of Local Government Sport and Cultural Industries - Portal providing sporting organisations access to sector specific training, resources and implementation guidance.
International Volunteer Programs Association