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City of Swan officers are not authorised to remove snakes. If you see a snake do not attempt to kill or capture a snake yourself. Remain calm and note where the snake disappeared to, then contact Department of Parks and Wildlife(open in new window).
Contact the Wildcare helpline(open in new window) via the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions.
(08) 9474 9055
Parks and Wildlife Service
17 Dick Perry Avenue
Technology Park, Western Precinct
If you’ve found an injured or orphaned bird or native animal:
- Keep it safe and comfortable
- Find your nearest Native Animal Rescue support vet(open in new window).
- If you can’t take the animal to a vet, call the Department of Parks and Wildlife 24 hour Wildcare Helpline(open in new window) on (08) 9474 9055.
View the Glove Box Guide for Injured Native Wildlife(open in new window).
Residents can keep almost any kind of bird. However you might need a licence from the Department of Parks and Wildlife(open in new window) so check out their website first.
We do not manage the control or removal of animal pests or invasive species.