We aim to provide diverse and connected place and housing options to ensure sustainable provision for current and future generations. We will support growth through adaptable and flexible planning, while protecting our local heritage. Our City will be accessible through integrated transport solutions with an aim to improve our community’s quality of life.
Local Planning Strategy
The principal land-use planning document used to assist us in our decision making over the next 10 years, setting out our long-term planning directions. It incorporates State and Regional Planning strategies and policies, and provides the rationale for the zones and other provisions to be included in a review of the Local Planning Scheme.
Asset Management Strategy
A key component of our asset management planning framework that translates the direction set by community and Council through the Asset Management Policy and SCP info asset management focused objectives, overarching levels of service and improvement opportunities across all asset classes.
Local Planning Scheme
Sets out the way land is to be used and developed, classifies areas for land use and include provisions to coordinate infrastructure and development within the City. This is set out via scheme text and maps.
Transport Plan
Focuses on an integrated transport model which includes land-use decisions, parking, public transport, road and pedestrian/cycling infrastructure with the aim to create a high-quality integrated planning and transport environment that supports economic, environmental and social activities.
Community Infrastructure Plan
The City needs a Community Infrastructure Plan to ensure that infrastructure meets community needs. There are challenges facing the provision of community infrastructure, such as population growth, ageing infrastructure, changing trends and demands, funding and inequity of provision, which impact the City’s approach.
The City’s Community Infrastructure Plan intends to:
- Outline the City’s methodology and principles for community infrastructure planning.
- Communicate the City’s priorities and constraints.
Note: The Community Infrastructure Plan (City Wide) is under development, with adoption anticipated for 2024.