FOGO project (Food Organics Garden Organics)

FOGO stands for Food Organics and Garden Organics. This is an exciting new three-bin kerbside collection system that will be adopted by the City of Swan in 2024. Properties will soon have three bins – recycling (yellow lid), general waste (red lid) and FOGO waste (lime green-lid).

The FOGO bin will collect organic food and garden materials which will be processed into FOGO products, such as compost or soil conditioner.

This project will align with the Waste Authority’s Better practice: FOGO kerbside collection guidelines.

FOGO in your area

To find out when FOGO will arrive in your area, search for your rollout dates with find my bin day.

Project status

The City is transitioning to the three-bin kerbside collection system using a staged rollout, starting in 2024 and finishing in 2027.

Project timeline

Staged rollout starts July 2024

Staged rollout starts July 2024

Staged rollout finishes June 2027

Staged rollout finishes June 2027

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