New citizens and local heroes make up part of Australia’s story

Community City and Council
Published on: Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Harmony, gratitude and joy were the key themes emerging from the City of Swan’s Australia Day citizenship ceremony as 91 people from more than 20 countries pledged their commitment and respect to Australia. 

The annual Community Citizen of the Year Awards were also announced, recognising those who have made an outstanding contribution and inspiring us all to create a better community.
There were dozens of nominations across four categories; Community Citizen of the Year, Senior Community Citizen of the Year, Young Community Citizen of the Year and Active Citizenship Award. 

Loren Pratt, Community Citizen of the Year
Mr Pratt founded Midland Meals in 2019, providing an integral service in our community by preparing over 870 weekly meals for people experiencing homelessness and hardship in Swan. Midland Meals has grown rapidly and now has over 170 volunteers who not only deliver the service but foster a sense of connection for the community. 

Sophie Jakotic and Roma Penny Winmar, Senior Community Citizen of the Year (joint recipients)
Ms Jakotic and Ms Winmar are joint recipients of the Senior Citizen of the Year award. Ms Jakotic is recognised for her outstanding leadership and active citizenship by tirelessly supporting seniors from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds across Perth. Ms Winmar is an Aboriginal Elder recognised as a leader, spokesperson, translator and artist. She worked significantly in Aboriginal education and the arts where she promotes Noongar language and cultural activities.

Katie Williams, Young Community Citizen of the Year
Miss Williams supports her scout group, school and the wider City of Swan community through educational and skill development activities for other young people. She has fundraised for programs to support sick children, their families and vulnerable people, alongside initiating food drives and advocating for native fauna conservation. 

Midland Meals, Active Citizenship Award (group or event)
Midland Meals is a not-for-profit organisation that provides meals, services and a sense of community for people experiencing homelessness and hardship in the City of Swan. With over 170 volunteers, Midland Meals provides a weekly meal service in Ellenbrook and Midland and lunch twice a week in Bassendean, equating to over 870 meals per week. 

While the morning was filled with excitement and celebration, the significance of Australia Day for our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people was also formally acknowledged by Tanya Richardson, City of Swan Mayor.

“While today is an opportunity for us all to celebrate our beautiful country, lifestyle and freedoms, I do understand is it a difficult day for many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in our community,” she said. 

“Let us acknowledge past wrongs and injustices while we celebrate Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people’s survival, resilience and enduring culture.”

Mayor Richardson went on to acknowledge what a milestone the ceremony was in many people’s migration story. 

“Your story may have begun in a different country, but it has led you here and now makes up part of Australia’s story,” she said.

“We are grateful and honoured that you have chosen the City of Swan as your home… thank you for enhancing our community with your presence and contributions.”

The City runs monthly citizenship ceremonies, welcoming hundreds of new Australians each year.
Learn more.

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