Provision and installation of brick paving

Tender name Provision and installation of brick paving
Tender number RFT24JP03-SOR
Advertisement proof RFT24JP03-SOR-Advert-Proof-3-2-24.pdf
Advertisement date February 3, 2024
Closing date February 21, 2024, 2:00 PM
Status Awarded
Submissions received

Mikevie Pty Ltd t/a ABM Landscaping 

Safety Tactile Pave Pty Ltd

Opened in the presence of

Jack Roser, Procurement Planning Specialist and Cassandra Donegan, Manager Contracts and Procurement

Bid items Schedule of rates
Authorised by The City
Authorisation date April 23, 2024
Recommendation or minutes of OCM/TRC RFT24JP03-SOR-Recommendation.pdf

Awarded: Mikevie Pty Ltd T/A ABM Landscaping

Price consideration (ex GST) Anticipated contract value $1,201,900.05
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