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All owners of dogs aged three months and over, are required to have their dog microchipped.

A dog is only exempt from microchipping if a veterinarian issues a certificate stating that the implantation of a microchip may adversely affect the health and welfare of the animal.

A microchip is a permanent form of identification which allows a dog to be identified 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, meaning that lost pets can be identified much more easily and returned more quickly. Contact your vet for more information on having your pet microchipped.

Have you moved? - If you have recently moved address or your contact details have changed since your dog was microchipped, please ensure that you contact the Central Animal Registry on (02) 9704 1450. A microchip is only as useful as its contact details!

For more information, please contact the City’s Community Safety team on 9267 9267.

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Quisque nulla velit, egestas vel nunc in, venenatis volutpat augue. Nulla quis nisl vel leo convallis pulvinar vitae at turpis. Morbi quis enim a ante finibus viverra. Suspendisse feugiat erat et fermentum auctor. Ut laoreet sollicitudin tortor at gravida. Donec sagittis lacus id risus venenatis commodo. Vivamus ac enim laoreet, ullamcorper turpis id, ultricies augue. Maecenas non ultricies nisl.

The City has received commitments for the following:

Funding body Funding amount
Department of Health and Aged Care $25 million
Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries $7 million
Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts $5 million (in progress)
WA Government $5 million (in progress)





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